Now that we have all settled from this year's Virtual Silent Auction, and the kitties of HoD are taking full advantage of the more than $12,000 that was raised, we must say THANK YOU to those who made the auction possible. There is no way we could have done this without our donors and sponsors.
Thank you to all who donated their products, services, time, and energy to make this year so successful. Stop by their page or send them a note to say thank you for supporting the cats of House of Dreams.
BarkZone Equinox Acupuncture & Massage Julie Lopez The Two Crazy Cat Ladies Mollie Hunt Unicorn Bake Shop Compassion Digital Missionary Chocolates Leslie Cobb Modern Terrain MUTTS Thea Strom Quilts to the Rescue Alema J. McCrea + all of the HoD volunteers!
— feeling grateful.
